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On The Move
- 7th October 2021 -
We've welcomed lots of new faces in our department since the summer months. You've might spotted them already, if not: here's a textual introduction. But remember: it's much better in real life!
Eva Arents - PhD scholarship (100% - 1B3)
My name is Eva, originating from the Belgian coast, I often play tennis and love to travel. In July 2021 I graduated as master in rehabilitation sciences and physiotherapy at the KU Leuven, with specialization in rehabilitation of internal diseases. Last summer I worked at the AZ Zeno in Knokke and AZ Sint-Lucas in Bruges. Last month I started my PhD trajectory under the supervision of prof. Heleen Demeyer, I look forward to it!
Remco Baggen - Post-doctoral assistant (100% - 1B3)
I received my Master’s degree in Human Movement Sciences at Maastricht University, after which I moved to KU Leuven where I obtained a joint PhD in Biomedical Sciences (in collaboration with VU Amsterdam) studying the neuromechanics of high challenge locomotor tasks in older adults. Since then, I have worked as a postdoc at the Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences of UHasselt and the Gerontology department of the VUB, and as a coordinator for several projects on rehabilitation technology. My primary research interests are balance control and fall prevention in older populations and technology-assisted rehabilitation. As such, I am excited to join the team at Ghent University investigating fall prevention in Parkinson’s patients using the GRAIL system. I’m an active person who loves to go mountain biking and indoor climbing, always open for a good discussion, and looking forward to meeting new colleagues!
Florien Buysse - AAS ad interim (25% - 1B3)
Hi! I’m Florien, age 27 and graduated as physiotherapist in 2018. I started working in private practice in Gent and I also gained working experience in MFC Ten Dries and MFC Sint-Lievenspoort. Meanwhile I studied the postgraduate paediatric rehabilitation in neurological disorders (in combination with the Bobath education).
But now it’s time for a new challenge! With great enthusiasm I temporarily take over a few hours of Vanessa Van Tittelboom. Primarily I will teach the freshmen students their first practical skills of our lovely occupation. See you soon!
Nele De Bruyn - Post-doctoral assistant (80% - 1B3)
I was born and raised in Leuven and obtained my master in rehabilitation sciences at the KU Leuven in 2016. Subsequently I held a FWO mandate titled “Sensorimotor upper limb therapy: effect on brain connectivity and behavioural function in the early rehabilitation phase post stroke” which I successfully defended in September 2020. The past year during my postdoc I connected adults with CVA and children with CP who have sensorimotorical disorders in the arm.
Outside the working hours I’m an engaged person and passionate for swimming and children. I’m highly motivated to take on this new adventure and to deepen myself in the early detection and prevention of neurological disorders in babies with high-risk profile.
Aline Jolie - AAS ad interim (20% - 1B3)
Hi new colleagues, I’m Aline Jolie. Age 26 (almost) and already three years graduated as paediatric physiotherapist. I work as physiotherapist in the private practice ‘t Anker & MFC Het Veer at Sint-Niklaas and now I come to strengthen this department. After the working hours, you can find me in the crossfit in Lokeren of in the Ardennes for a trailrun. I enjoy the outside and active nature holidays. I live in Nieuwkerken-Waas with my fiancé Arne, also a physiotherapist.
Mathilde Joos - AAS ad interim (20% - 1B3)
Hi everyone, I’m Mathilde, age 24 and just graduated as physiotherapist in paediatric rehabilitation. I really enjoy the fact that my first professional experience started with you last month. Besides this opportunity I start a shortened program in psychology at the VUB this academic year. I would like to broaden my perspective in the clinical psychology, specifically aimed on children. I’m looking forward with great expectations.
Besides my studies and work I volunteer at the Handelbeurs Gent where I can enjoy concerts once in a while and I’m still active in my youth movement. I’m a big fan of plants, Scandinavian series and being surrounded by friends. I’m eager to get to know you all!
Hannes Meirezonne - Academic assistant (100% - 3B3)
My name is Hannes, I’m from Eeklo. In June 2021 I obtained my master’s degree in rehabilitation sciences and physiotherapy, specialization in musculoskeletal disorders, at Ghent University. In my free time I like to sport, mainly football and padel, and to meet up with friends. For many years I volunteer as animator on Kazou youth camps and I love to travel to new places.
I look forward to work as academic assistant in this department and I hope to contribute to the high quality scientific research and education of which Ghent University is known for.
Tine Papeleu - PhD scholarship (100% - 2P1)
Driven by the adage Lifelong Learning I started my education in logopaedic sciences at Ghent University five years ago. Through my student years my interest in science grew. I learned working in an evidence-based manner and put this into practice in my master’s thesis. It was this master’s thesis that brought me in contact with a new research population, namely children with cleft lip and palate. My knowledge in research and treatment of children with orofacial cleft grew and offered my future perspectives. I look forward to develop myself as a PhD student and to further optimize my knowledge and experience in this domain. Finally I desire to work in an interdisciplinary team.
Ellis Rommers - Academic assistant (50% - 1B3)
Hi all, I’m Ellis and since October 1 I started at Ghent University. Originating from the Netherlands, I studied the past five years at Antwerp University. There I broadened my knowledge and interest in the rehabilitation of the elder population. I can’t wait to specialize more in this domain the next years and also to teach the next generation of physiotherapists.
Besides working I play football and I’m always in the mood for a drink on a terrace or a party night out. The following years I’ll be staying in this department, chances are real we’ll meet in person!
Pieter Van den Berghe - Research lab/technician (100% - 1B3)
Hi all! My name is Pieter, the newest member in Team ATP who will support the research in this department as research/lab technician. I hold a master’s degree in physical education and movement sciences with a minor in research. But I also enjoyed following a few courses in the bacherlor’s program rehabilitation sciences and physiotherapy. A very fascinating period with challenging research followed with my FWO mandate and involvement in EFRO-Interreg and IOF projects.
In my spare time I keep moving; cycling, running and skiing are my favorite sports. My deep interest in measurement systems and my research experience will help me to take this challenge as research/lab technician. I look forward to meet and to support you all!
Louise Van Goylen - PhD scholarship (100% - 2P1)
Hello, my name is Louise. Age 23, alumnus and ready for new challenges with my master’s diploma in logopaedic and audiological sciences, specialization in audiology. I chose this study five years ago because of my interest for the profession and the social importance of it. During my studies my interest in research in this topic was enlarged, due to the fact it stimulates better health care. And I would like to contribute to it. As a PhD student I will mainly investigate the auditive-cognitive aspect of speech understanding and listening effort in hearing impaired patients, as well as the impact on the benefits of hearing aids.
In my spare time I enjoy quality time with family and friends, going out for dinner or strolling through the shopping street.